The Valley of Horses Quiz Questions: (use CTRL+F to find specific names or phrases) 1 What color was Whinney's stallion? 2 Thonolan was injured by: 3 Who are the children of Marthona? 4 Jondalar was owed a future claim from Laduni because he: 5 Jondalar gave the donii he received as a boy to: 6 Who does Thonolan fall in love with? 7 Who does Ayla think her snowman looks like? 8 What do the Sharamudoi call the Great Earth Mother? 9 When Ayla and Jondalar tallied the sticks, they discovered she was: 10 What gender is the Shamud of the Sharamudoi? 11 What was "Baby's" favorite game to play? 12 Baby was nearly trampled to death by: 13 What did Ayla use for Whinney's naming ceremony? 14 What did Ayla encounter on her trip after Jondalar had arrived? 15 What did Jondalar name Whinney's colt? 16 Who did Jondalar give his Zelandonii beaded tunic to when he and Thonolan left the Sharamudoi? 17 What were the two objects that helped Ayla create fire so quickly? 18 What did Jondalar's people call the Great Mother River? 19 What was the main injury to Jondalar? 20 After years of silence, why is Ayla upset after Jondalar teaches her to talk? 21 How old was Jondalar when he and Thonolan set out on their Journey? 22 What tool did Thonolon use in his craft? 23 Aside from their names, what was the first word Jondalar taught Ayla? 24 When Ayla found Baby, he had been 25 What tribe is the counterpart of the Shamudoi? 26 What did Thonolan have to do before he could mate Jatamio? 27 What animal did Baby first take down himself? 28 What made Whinney finally accept Baby? 29 What direction does Ayla go in when she finds Jondalar and Thonolan? 30 What did Ayla always have ready and waiting for Jondalar every morning? 31 Who was the second animal that Ayla rode on? 32 What was the surgical procedure Ayla was the first to use? 33 What is the name of the First Living Mother that Jondalar and Thonolan meet? 34 Who spied on Jondalar and Zolena? 35 What is the common name for Ayla's "fire stone"? 36 What was Thonolan's wife's name? Last Updated 10 Feb 2021