The Shelters of Stone Quiz Questions: (use CTRL+F to find specific names or phrases) 1 Of the first Zelandonii who met Wolf, who showed no fear? 2 When Zelandoni wants to meditate undisturbed, she 3 Marona tries to humiliate Ayla by giving her 4 At Fountain Rocks, Ayla sees 5 Today, we know Ayla's firestone as 6 What was Lanidar's birth defect? 7 What surprise did Jondalar have for Ayla when they returned to the abri of the Ninth Cave after the Summer Meeting? 8 Why did an infant, Lorala, need to be nursed by women of the cave who were already breastfeeding their own babies? 9 Who did Ayla find nearly dead at the edge of a small stream? 10 What prank did Marona play on Ayla to embarrass her in front of the entire cave? 11 Ayla's baby was 12 Laramar's craft was 13 Shevonar died during a hunt, after being trampled by a 14 How long was the trial period of seclusion for newly mated couples? 15 What were the two packages Jondalar took out of his traveling pack after arriving at the 9th Cave? 16 What member of the 9th Cave has a totem? 17 Marthona passes down a special piece of jewelry to Ayla that was 18 Marona convinces these two friends to help her trick Ayla 19 Who was the first person from the Ninth Cave to greet Jondalar and Ayla? 20 What did "The Mother's Song" remind Ayla especially of? 21 Which animal did Ayla see in her vision? Qustions by Cam, FirstWrites, Diane in Cincinnati and a few other folks - thank you all for your wonderful help! (Theirs are the best ones!!) Last Updated 10 Feb 2021