The Valley of Horses
- Tape 1
Side A
- She was dead. What did it matter if icy needles of freezing rain flayed her skin raw. The young woman squinted into the wind, pulling her wolverine hood closer. Violent gusts whipped her bearskin wrap against her legs.
- "Little Brother, what makes you think you're the only one in this family with an urge to travel?" You didn't think I was going to let you go off by yourself, did you? Then come home and brag about your long journey?"
Side B
- "If you are going to follow her all the way to the end, you're going to have to get used to crossing rivers." Let me make a suggestion. Keep to this side until after the big whirlpool.
- "She'll be gone if we stop to make gaffs." "If we don't, we'll never bring her in. She'd just slip off a spear--we need something with a back hook. It wouldn't take long to make. Look, that tree over there."
The Valley of Horses
- Tape 2
Side A
- "Haduma say, Noria make blue-eyed son, Zelandonii spirit, then Haduma die. She say, long time here, time go. See baby, then die. Baby name, Jondal, six generation Hadumai."
- Suddenly she remembered her spears. They were still on the ground where she had left them after pulling them out of the mare. She debated with herself about going after them, almost talked herself out of it, then admitted it was better to keep two perfectly good spears than to go to the work of making new ones later.
Side B
- The foliage near the running water at the base of the steep southern wall was a slow-motion kaleidoscope of color, reflecting the rhythm of the seasons; now deep somber greens of pine and fir dabbed with vivid golds, paler yellows, dry browns, and fiery reds.
- "Either I'm in the next world, or you're a donii who's come to take me there. No earthly woman could be so beautiful. But I can't understand a word you're saying."
The Valley of Horses
- Tape 3
Side A
- No one thought I'd have a baby. They said the spirit of my totem was too strong. But I did.
- Above, the stars were so thick that it seemed some impossibly brilliant light was straining to break through the cracked and pitted black barrier of the night sky.
Side B
- With others, tasks and chores tended to fall more along lines of age- younger people performing the more strenuous tasks, and older ones the sedentary chores.
- There was strength in the wrinkled face, which lent it youthfulness though the long mane of hair was shocking white. And while the figure beneath the loose clothing was spare and frail, the step had spring.
The Valley of Horses
- Tape 4
Side A
- "See you tonight, Serenio," he whispered in her ear. "Jondalar, there will be a festival to honor the Mother tonight," she reminded him.
- If she was going to stay in the valley, she would have to start thinking about storing food again. Especially since she had another mouth to feed.
Side B
- She signaled "Stop!" Baby hesitated only a moment before releasing "his" kill, and, guarding it, he paced anxiously around the travois all the way back to the cave.
- Could the fish be a possible reason for the flathead to give him aid? Did he want some fish?
The Valley of Horses
- Tape 5
Side A
- Two small horns rose straight up from the forehead of the goat-like antelope, curving back only at the tips. "I see him now," Jondalar said.
- With Jondalar following slowly, Thonolan started working his way along the snag, but the force of the current as they were swept along kept pushing them back into the log with the rest of the debris.
Side B
- With a round smooth rock, Ayla pounded the dried tendon, breaking it down to long strands of white collagen fibers. She pulled it apart, then worked out a fine strand of the tough connective tissue and dipped it in the marigold solution.
- He thought about the meal he had just eaten. Whoever supplied her, she was well provisioned, but she obviously knew how to take care of herself.
The Valley of Horses
- Tape 6
Side A
- He was thirsty, but he didn't want to roll over to get the water bag just when he had found an almost bearable position.
- Her forehead was low and sloped back, but her head was very large, her neck short and thick. Heavy brow ridges shaded large brown intelligent eyes that were filled with love and sorrow.
Side B
- If you'd been paying attention to her, and not worrying about yourself so much, you might have noticed she wasn't behaving like an experienced woman.
- Ayla expelled a tremendous sigh of relief and felt the warm glow of accomplishment - and something more. She had not let the Clan down.
The Valley of Horses
- Tape 7
Side A
- I've heard of a few women giving birth that young, but not many. Thirteen or fourteen is more usual, and some think that is too young.
- He seemed so young without a beard, appealing in a childlike way, but not as a man. She wasn't accustomed to full-grown men without beards.
Side B
- With an effort, he focused his mind on her question. "We were stalking a deer. Thonolan killed it, but a lioness had been after the same one."
- The Mother turned around and he saw Her face. The face was the doni carved to resemble Ayla. He called out to Her. "Ayla? Ayla? Is it you?"
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